ผู้แต่ง : Patiwech sukonkajorn (
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ภายใต้โครงการ :
ติดต่อ ปฏิเวช สุคนธ์ขจร
128-130 ถ.เสริมสวาสดิ์ อ.พล จ.ขอนแก่น
Tel: 0981027353
Backgound : Cardioplegia is solution used to arrest the heart for Coronary artery bypass graft (CABG). in the recent, Caridoplegia solutions were develop to improve for protecting myocardial muscle. The aim of this study is to compare the single dose HTK cardioplegia with intermittent blood cardioplegia by measure of cardiac marker (CKMB and Troponin T)
- 1. Compare cardiac marker level at post operation for CABG in 2 group
- 2. Compare post operation complication
- 3. Compare aortic cross clamp tion in operation
Methods: Patients underoing CABG were divided into two group by prospective rondomized. Group 1 received single dose HTK cardioplegia and Group 2received intermittent blood cardiopegia.
Conclusion: Using custodial cardioplegia in CABG can protected myocardial muscle better than blood cardioplegia